Lethe's Embrace

Author: Arla
email: arlaj@shaw.ca
Rating: M
Classification: Nathan/Kristin Romance; Minor Character Death
Archive: NKAdult and my site only. All others please ask first.
Disclaimer: seaQuest and all its characters belong to Amblin Entertainment. I am only borrowing these characters for awhile and will return them undamaged when I am done. This is a work of amateur fan fiction and no infringement on the owner's copyright is meant.
Summary: This is set in the second season. Can Nathan protect Kristin when Dr. Zeller vows revenge?
Notes: The name Lethe is from Greek and Roman mythology. It is the river of forgetfulness, flowing through Hades, whose water produced a loss of memory in those who drank it.

The sun was warm and it was a beautiful summer day in New Cape Quest. The beaches were full of people soaking up the sunshine and frolicking in the surf. The only thing out-of-place in this scene was the woman wandering aimlessly down the boardwalk. She seemed to be in a daze, as though she were unfamiliar with everything around her.

A police officer concerned with the woman's behavior quietly approached her. "Ma'am?" he questioned softly. "Are you alright?"

The woman stopped and turned to look at him. The brown eyes she turned on him were listless and hollow. There was also a cut on her forehead, that for the moment had stopped bleeding. "Ma'am?" he questioned again casting a concerned look at his partner. "You're hurt, can you tell me what happened to you?"

"No" she responded with very little emotion in her voice.

"Do you know where you are?" the female officer asked quietly.


"Can you tell me your name?"

"No," the woman replied and fear slipped into her voice. "I don't know my name. I can't remember!"

"It's alright." the female officer soothed gently. "Why don't you come with us."

The woman nodded and went unresistingly with the officers.

An hour later the officers waited outside the small trauma room at New Cape Quest General Hospital. Several minutes later the doctor stepped from the room and approached the police.

"She's definitely suffering from amnesia and she's pretty banged up. As well as the cut on her forehead there are bruises and ligature marks on her wrists and ankles. It appears as though she was restrained in some way."

"Is there any clue as to who she is?"

"No nothing. The only thing we found was this piece of paper in one of her pockets." the doctor said and held it out.

The officer took it and quickly scanned it. "I'll run a check on this name." she said and moved down to the vidscreen at the nurse's station.

"Hey Sally I need you to run a name for me right away okay?"

"Sure. Give it to me."

"Nathan Bridger."

Sally turned away to her computer terminal. After a minute she turned back to the vidscreen.

"This guy's squeaky clean. He's a naval captain currently assigned to the UEO flagship the seaQuest."

"Okay, thanks Sal."

Nathan looked up from his book as the comm-unit purred for attention. Setting his book down he crossed to the desk and activated the comm-screen.

"Yes officer?"

"Captain Bridger my name is Officer Jenkins. We need your help with something sir."

"What can I do?"

"I'm at NCQ General Hospital, we have an amnesia victim here in emergency and the only clue we've found is a slip of paper with your name on it." Nathan frowned. "I was wondering if you might come down here and help with an identification."

"Of course Officer. I'll be right there."

"Thank you Captain." Officer Jenkins nodded and closed the channel.

With a puzzled frown on his face Nathan stepped from his quarters. He stopped first by the bridge to let Jonathan know where he was going before heading to the docking bay.

An hour later Nathan strode through the emergency entrance. Officer Jenkins saw him step inside and met him.

"Thank you for coming Captain Bridger." she said, giving him a small smile.

"I just hope that I can help." Nathan replied and shook her hand.

"I hope so too. If you'll just follow me, she's in the treatment room down here." the officer said and led him down the hall. "In here." she said as they stopped at the open door.

Nathan looked into the room. Shock hit him like a lightning bolt when he saw the woman who was sitting on the edge of the exam table.

"My God, it's Kristin!"

"Kristin?" the officer questioned.

Nathan turned to face the officer. "Kristin Westphalen. She's a marine biologist and a physician working for the UEO. She served a tour as the Chief Scientist aboard the seaQuest last year. That's how we met." he added quietly.

"When was the last time you saw her?"

"Umm, we had dinner together last weekend. Are there any clues as to what happened to her?"

"None. My partner and I found her wandering around at the beach. She was like this when we found her, although she seems to be more lucid now."

Nathan nodded and turned back to the room. He watched quietly as the doctor finished his examination. Minutes later the doctor stepped out into the hallway. Officer Jenkins explained who Nathan was and that he'd given them a positive I.D.

"She's an M.D. and a marine biologist." Jenkins stated.

"That would explain it." the doctor stated quietly.

"Explain what?" Nathan asked curiously.

"During the examination she seemed to know exactly what we were doing. I got the impression that she was quite knowledgeable when it came to medicine."

"She is," Nathan stated softly. "As well as PHD's in medicine and marine biology she holds degrees in biochemistry and advanced genetics."

The doctor nodded.

"Doctor, I'd like to take Kristin with me."

"I don't have any objections. Physically she's fine, and being in familiar surroundings might help trigger her memories. I'll get started on her release papers. Oh, one thing. With people suffering from this type of amnesia it's not uncommon to have nightmares. It's best that she is near someone she feels comfortable with and that you pay attention to the nightmares. They could be important clues."

"I understand." Nathan nodded. "May I go in?"

"Of course."

Nathan stepped quietly into the exam room and approached the table. Hearing him drawing closer Kristin turned to face him. Those exquisite whiskey-hued eyes scanned him and they had the same effect on him that they always did. He took a deep breath as his heart rate picked up. Nathan saw a flicker of recognition flash in her sable gaze but it was quickly gone.

"Hello." he said with a smile and crossed to stand in front of her.

"I'm sorry," she said softly, her richly accented voice caressing his ears. "I get the feeling that I should know you but I can't seem to remember your name."

"That's alright." Nathan smiled gently. "My name is Nathan, Nathan Bridger."

"We're friends?"

"Yes, good friends."

"Have we know each other long?"

"Almost two years."

"So I guess you know my name better than I do at the moment." she joked softly.

Nathan chuckled. "I guess so. Your name is Kristin Westphalen. You're a marine biologist and a medical doctor."

"I don't remember, but it feels right." she said softly then looked at him, taking in his uniform.

"What exactly do you do?"

"I'm a naval captain. I work for the UEO, the United Earth Oceans Organization, just as you do. I'm currently assigned as the commanding officer of the seaQuest. It's a submarine that is used for research and exploration."

Nathan saw the frown that crossed her features. "What is it?"

"Just now, when you mentioned seaQuest I had a flash of something but it's gone now. Damn this is so frustrating!"

"Don't worry," Nathan soothed gently. "You'll remember when you're ready."

"I certainly hope so. I would help if I could get out of here."

"I'm working on that. The doctor said that you could come back to the seaQuest with me."

"Good." she nodded.

The doctor stepped back into the exam room minutes later. "I just need your signature on these forms Captain Bridger and then Doctor Westphalen can leave."

Nathan signed the release forms and then with an arm resting gently on her waist he led Kristin out of the hospital and into the warm sunshine. Kristin sighed as the warm sunshine caressed her skin. Nathan looked at her , taking in the clothes that she was wearing.

"I assume you don't have anything else with you."

"Nope, just the clothes on my back."

Nathan gently took her hand. "Come on then let's go shopping."

"Nathan...." she protested as she let herself be led away. "I can't....."

"Yes you can." he turned to face her. "Kristin... I want to do this." he added softly.

Kristin shivered instinctively as the deep husky cadence of his voice caressed her ears. He had spoken her name with a softness that was like an intimate caress. The sound of her name spoken in such a fashion pleased her and yet left her with a question on her mind.

"Nathan?" she asked quietly as they walked. "Just how close are we?"

Bridger smiled and turned his head to look at her. "If you're asking are we lovers, the answer is no."


Nathan grinned at the disappointment in her voice. "Although that hasn't stopped us from trying but I guess the time just wasn't right for us."

Nathan stopped and turned to face her. He took both of her hands in his. He looked at her face and as he studied the delicate features he knew that now was the time to tell her what had been in his heart for so long. "I want you to know that I do love you Kristin and I'll be here for you no matter what happens."

"Thank you." Kristin replied softly. "I just wish....."

He stopped her words with a finger pressed to her lips. "You just concentrate on yourself right now. Find yourself first Kristin and then we'll worry about all the rest."

"Okay." she nodded and gave him a soft smile. Nathan squeezed her hands and then pulled her gently in the direction of the nearest store.

They entered a few minutes later and approached the clerk.

"May I help you?" the young woman smiled.

Nathan pulled out his wallet and slipped out a UEO credit card. "Help the lady with whatever she wishes." he stated and handed over the card.

"Yes sir."

Nathan turned to Kristin. "I have to go and check in with seaQuest. I'll be back in a bit. You buy whatever you need, okay?"

"Alright." she replied and gave him a smile. Nathan leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on her cheek.

Kristin watched him leave and then turned to the clerk. "I suppose we should start with lingerie."

"Right this way."

"I understand sir." Ford said quietly.

"I want to make this as easy as possible for her. She's having a difficult enough time as it is."

"Right sir. I'll inform Lucas and the others."

"Good. We should be back in about an hour."

"Very good sir, seaQuest out."

When Nathan returned a few minutes later, Kristin was sitting in a chair. There were several bags on the floor at her feet. "Ready?" he asked as he approached her.

Kristin looked up at the sound of his voice and flashed him a smile.

"Yes." she nodded and stood up.

"I just need your signature sir." the clerk said. Nathan stepped up to the counter and after signing the bill, the clerk passed him back the credit card. He gave her a smile and a nod before turning back to Kristin. After picking up her bags he walked with her outside and in the direction of seaQuest's berth.

Kristin looked around the seaQuest's cavernous docking bay and felt a glimmer of recognition.

"It seems familiar and yet not." she told Nathan quietly.

"That's because this isn't the seaQuest that you knew. It's basically the same but there are a few differences." he explained quietly and Kristin nodded.

Just then Lucas stepped into the room. "Hi Captain." he said as he approached.


Wolenczak turned to Kristin and flashed her a tentative smile. "Hi, I'm Lucas." he said quietly.

"Hello Lucas." she said with a troubled smile. "I'm sorry I...."

"Hey Doc, it's okay." he responded quietly.

"Lucas, could you take these bags to the VIP quarters next to mine. I'm going to take Kristin down to see Doctor Smith."

"Sure." the teen said and accepted the packages. He watched the couple walk away before turning and heading in the direction of the VIP quarters.

"Nathan, I've been poked and prodded enough for one day. I don't need to see another doctor.' Kristin complained as they walked down the corridor.

"I know. " Nathan said quietly as he slipped an arm around her waist. "But Doctor Smith is also a telepath and I thought that with your permission she could do a scan. We might be able to get an idea of how and why this happened to you."

"Okay." Kristin agreed as they stepped into Medbay.

"Alright." Wendy Smith nodded. "Captain, I'm going to have to ask you to wait outside while I do this."

"Of course." he nodded then turned to Kristin. "I'll be right outside." he told her quietly and affectionately squeezed her hand.

"Okay." Kristin replied and watched as Nathan slipped from the room.

Wendy did a cursory examination and then proceeded with the scan.

"Alright Doctor Westphalen just have a seat here and we can begin."

Kristin sat and Wendy pulled a second chair in front and sat facing Kristin. "Now this may be a little uncomfortable but it won't hurt. I promise that I won't scan any deeper than I have to."

"Okay." Kristin nodded.

"Good, now close your eyes and take a deep breath... good, now let it out slowly. Good now clear your mind of everything."

"That shouldn't be too hard." Kristin joked softly.

Wendy chuckled. "Alright, I'm going to begin now." she said and then reached out and took Kristin's hands in hers. Closing her eyes Wendy took a deep breath and lowered her mental shields.

Wendy slipped easily into the older woman's mind and immediately came upon her most recent memories. Wendy sifted gently through them to the final memory of waking up on the beach alone with no memory of who or where she was. Smith frowned and tried to slip past that final memory only to slam up against a brick wall.

She gasped with the shock of it then stopped and began to examine the wall. It looked secure. She tested it for any weakness but held fast. It was too strong to get through with a gentle probe.

On the fringes of the memories and the wall, Wendy could sense fear, horror and terror. They were faint, held at bay somehow and Wendy knew that whatever the cause of these dark feelings they were the reason for the brick wall that Kristin had put up in her mind.

Wendy gently pulled out of Kristin's mind. She paused a moment to put her mental shielding back in place before opening her eyes. "All done." she said quietly.

Kristin opened her eyes. "Did you learn anything?"

"Not much, I'm afraid. I came up against a brick wall that you've put up. Behind that wall are all the memories of who you are and what happened but I couldn't get through. I'm sorry."

"There's no way?"

"Well, I could have forced my way through but not only is it unethical but it would also be painful for you. It most probably would cause damage to your mind. I'm afraid you're going to have to break that wall down yourself."

"I understand." Kristin said softly.

"You just rest here for a moment and I'll go get the captain."


Nathan got up from the chair he'd been sitting in when Wendy stepped out.

"Well?" he questioned.

"I didn't learn much I'm afraid. Kristin has put up a brick wall in her mind. She's hidden her true self behind that wall. She's protecting who she is behind it. I did sense that she put it up because of some kind of emotional trauma. It's something probably devastating. She's protecting herself by not letting herself remember."

"Traumatic, like what..." Nathan asked softly. "Was she raped?"

"No, I found no evidence of an assault of that type, although it is possible that somebody tried. There's extensive bruising to her wrists and ankles as if she'd been restrained in some manner. My instinct tells me that this trauma is something else entirely. Something more devastating drove her to hide within herself."

"Thank you Wendy." Nathan said quietly.

"You're welcome. I just wish I could have done more but this is something that she's going to have to do herself."

"I understand." Nathan nodded, then turned and stepped into the room. Kristin rose from her chair when she saw him enter and Nathan returned her smile.

"Come on." he said softly. "There's someone else I want you to meet."

"On no Nathan please I....."

"Sh, trust me. You'll like him." he added softly and led her from the room.

As he walked with her down to seadeck Nathan filled her in about Darwin and the vocorder.

"Hey there Darwin." Bridger smiled when he walked up to the tank and turned on the vocorder. "How's it going Pal?"

"Darwin fine." he replied through the ship's computer.

The dolphin shifted his head to look at Kristin. "Doctor Kristin come to see Darwin."

"Yes." she responded softly as she leaned over the tank and stroked his domed head.

"Doctor Kristin is lost." Darwin said perceptibly.

"Yes, I suppose I am." she replied quietly.

"Darwin help Doctor Kristin."

"I wish you could." she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Darwin help." the dolphin stated again. His soulful eyes seemed to look right through her.

Kristin broke eye contact with the dolphin and turned to Nathan. "I'm a little tired. I'd like to lie down." she told him softly.

"Of course. I'm sorry I should have realized you'd be tired. I'll take you to your quarters." Nathan responded quietly. "See you later Pal." he said to Darwin as he flipped off the vocorder then moved to Kristin's side. Slipping an arm around her waist he led her from the room.

Several minutes later Nathan pushed open the door to the VIP quarters and led Kristin inside. The room was as large as his own stateroom and contained a larger than standard bed, a sofa and a desk.

"You should be quite comfortable in here. You'll have your own bathroom so you don't have to share with the crew. It's through there." Nathan said and pointed to a door on the right side of the room near the foot of the bed.

"What's through there?" Kristin asked pointing to the door to the left.

"Come on, I'll show you." he smiled and took her hand. Opening the door he turned on the light.

"It's a private conference room." Nathan explained. "The VIP quarters are usually used by Admirals and other UEO brass."

"I see, and that door." Kristin asked pointing to the door directly opposite them.

Nathan gave her an almost sheepish smile "It leads to my quarters."

"Oh." Kristin replied with an amused smile.

"Well," Bridger said "I'll go now and let you get settled. I'll be in my cabin if you need anything." he added softly then leaned down and tenderly kissed her cheek.

Kristin watched Nathan cross the conference room and open the door to his stateroom. He paused in the doorway and turned to face her.

"How about I have dinner brought in? Say in an hour?"

"I'd like that." Kristin replied, giving him a smile.

"Alright, I'll see you in an hour." he finished and stepped through into his cabin.

Both doors to the conference room stood open and Nathan smiled when he heard a very unladylike curse echo from Kristin's cabin. He turned from his position at his desk when he heard soft footfalls behind him. Nathan smothered a moan of desire at the sight of Kristin standing in the doorway in nothing but a towel. His cyan eyes scanned her, taking in every detail the skimpy towel revealed. His eyes started with her long, sleek, amazing legs then traveled up the length of her body. Nathan frowned when he saw the dark bruise that marred the tawny flesh of her left shoulder.

"Ummm," she began. "I'm sorry but I can't seem to get the shower to work." she said quietly, suddenly nervous at the hunger she had seen in his eyes.

"Oh, well let me take a look." Nathan replied and got up from the desk. He crossed through to her quarters and into the bathroom. Kristin followed and stopped in the doorway. She watched him as he fiddled with the taps then swore under his breath.

"It appears to be broken." he said as he stood up. "I'll get maintenance to take a look at it. In the meantime why don't you use my shower. Take all the time you need. I have to stop by the bridge and then go and see about dinner." he said quietly.

"Okay." Kristin replied and watched as he crossed the room to the door leading to the hallway.

"Nathan?" she called out softly and he turned to face her. "Thank you, for everything."

"There's no need to thank me." he responded quietly as he slipped from the room.

It was nearly an hour later when Nathan returned to his quarters. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. "Kristin?" he called out quietly. Silence followed his call. He crossed to the bathroom and looked through the open door. It was empty. As he turned to step away a scent teased his nose. He paused and breathed deeply to take in the scent. It was a subtle mixture of shampoo, scented soap, talc and perfume---- the nuances of a woman.

Until this moment Nathan hadn't realized just how much he had missed these subtle reminders of a woman nearby. With a smile on his face Nathan moved across the room to the door leading to the conference room. He stepped through and over to Kristin's door. It stood open. He paused in the doorway. "Kristin?" he called out again.

Seconds after his call she stepped form the bathroom. She saw him and smiled.

Nathan appreciatively took in her attire. She was dressed simply in black tights and a long blue cotton shirt. On her feet she wore a pair of simple black flats.

"Dinner's on its way." he said with a soft smile.

"Mmm good, I'm starving." she replied.

"Right this way." he smiled and waved his hand to indicate the conference room behind him.

Nathan looked across the table at his dinner companion. He frowned slightly when he saw the look on her face. It was a blank, almost dazed look. Reaching out he gently covered her hand with his.

"Kristin, are you alright?" he called out softly. She did not answer at first and then suddenly the look was gone.

"I'm sorry Nathan. I was just thinking. Trying to remember."

"Remember what?" he asked softly.

"Well, I'm not exactly sure how to explain this or why I should feel this way." She looked at him and held his gaze. " Just now when I looked at you I felt this overwhelming sense of grief and loss."

Nathan frowned. "And you don't know why?"

"No. I just can't remember." she paused a moment "Nathan please tell me the truth. I need to know, before this happened did something happen between us, something that would cause me to feel this way?"

"No Kristin." Nathan said softly and took her hand in his. "Nothing like that happened between us. I have no idea why you should feel that way, unless it's somehow connected with why you have amnesia."

"Maybe, I just don't know." she said. "I don't know anything!" she added fiercely and stood up turning her back to him. "This is so bloody frustrating! I don't know who I am! I don't know what to do." she finished and Nathan could tell that she was crying.

He rose from his chair and crossed to her. Reaching out, Nathan pulled her into his arms. She sank against him and shut her eyes. His hand cupped the back of her head and pressed her face against his shoulder, gently, protectively. "It's alright Kristin." he soothed , brushing a kiss across the top of her head. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere no matter what happens. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."

Kristin lifted her head from his shoulder and looked up at him. Her eyes and cheeks were wet with tears. "Why?"

"Because I love you." Nathan replied and gave her a tender smile. Reaching out he gently brushed the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs.

"No you love her."

"I love you." he stressed gently. "You're still the Kristin I know, the Kristin I love. That hasn't changed just because you can't remember. I didn't fall in love with you for your memories Kristin. I fell in love with you because of who you are. I fell in love with the sass and the fire and that's still there." he said softly.

Kristin moved back into his arms. Nathan pulled her close and she sighed, savoring the warmth and protection she felt in his arms. From the very first moment that she had seen him she had felt safe. She had felt the connection to him from the very first. There was a bond between them, a bond so strong that not even amnesia could sever it.

"I just want this all to be over. I just want things to be back the way they were. Whatever that was." she murmured against his shirt. But something deep inside her told Kristin that things would never be the same again and she shivered.

"I know you do." Nathan answered softly and pulled her more tightly against him. "And they will just give it time."

Kristin lifted her head and looked at him. Nathan gave her a tender smile and brushed a gentle finger down her cheek. "You're exhausted. Why don't you go and get some sleep. I'll be right here if you need me."

"Okay." she gave him a smile. "Good night."

"Night Kristin."

Kristin gave him a quick kiss and then stepped from his arms.

Nathan watched until she had disappeared before he crossed to his own cabin. After calling the mess to have someone come for the dishes he crossed to the bathroom to prepare for bed.

The darkness surrounding her was oppressive, pushing down on her, stealing her breath away. Terror rose up inside her and increased as the faceless man drew closer. He was speaking to her but she could not understand his words. But even though she could not understand him, those words filled her with horror. She tried to break away, tried to run but she was held fast.

Suddenly the darkness before her was pushed back and she saw someone that made the terror lessen. "Nathan!" she called and he tried to reach her but was stopped by an invisible wall. He pounded on it, calling her name but it held strong.

The faceless man was there again, speaking to her. He pointed to Nathan and she understood his intentions. "NO... please... NO!" she sobbed.

The air surrounding Nathan suddenly filled with a sickly green gas. Nathan gasped and held a hand to his throat.

"No Oh God No!!" Kristin sobbed. She tried to go to Nathan but she couldn't move. He was now lying on the floor, writhing in agony as the poison filled his lungs. His back arched violently and then he was gone. His head lolled to the side, his blue eyes turned to her sightless and cold.

"NO!!" She screamed. "NATHAN!!"

Suddenly she felt strong hands on her, shaking her. She fought against those restraining hands.

"Kristin!!" She heard the voice speaking her name, strong and insistent. It was a voice she recognized. "Kristin wake up!!!" the voice sounded again this time more insistent. This was a voice she trusted, a voice that soothed her and made her feel safe and so she moved towards it.

Kristin bolted up in bed suddenly released from the nightmare's black embrace.

"Easy sweetheart." Nathan soothed and sat down on the bed next to her. "You had a nightmare and a pretty bad one from what I could tell. I had a hard time waking you." he said softly. "You okay?"

Kristin looked at him , then fell forward into his arms burying her face in the warm crook of his neck and shoulder. His arms came protectively around her, pulling her tight against him and she drank in his warmth and strength.

After a moment he spoke. "Do you want to tell me about it?" he asked quietly and brushed his lips across the smoldering flame of her hair. Kristin pulled back to look into his indigo eyes. She saw compassion, concern, worry and love all blended together in their depths.

"I don't want to tell you." she said softly. "But I will." she added and took a deep breath. Speaking softly Kristin told him about her nightmare.

"....and that's when you woke me." she finished and lifted tear filled eyes to look at him.

"Kristin," Nathan said softly and brushed the tears from her cheeks. "I'm not dead. I'm alive and I'm not going anywhere." he whispered tenderly and brushed back her hair. "It was just a nightmare." he soothed.

Kristin nodded then moved back into his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder. Her warm hands skimmed across the firm, well toned muscles of his back. As her gentle hands met his bare flesh, Nathan's back stiffened slightly as he realized that in his haste to get to her he had forgotten to pull on a robe. He was clothed only in the briefs he had worn to bed.

"What is it?" she asked quietly and pulled back to look at him.

"Umm, I should probably go and let you get back to sleep." he said lamely.

Kristin gave him a soft smile, aware of the reason for his sudden shyness. Reaching out she rested a hand against his bare chest. "Stay with me." she said softly.

"Kristin..." Nathan protested.

Her hand slid up his chest brushing through the light dusting of dark hair to stop at his shoulder

"I want you to stay." she added then leaned forward and kissed him softly.

Nathan groaned as her warm lips caressed his. Her lips parted and her tongue lightly brushed against his lips.

Nathan pulled away. "Kristin, I want you but not like this," he said sadly. "Not when you're..."


"I was going to say upset but that will do."

"Nathan, I am shaken by that nightmare. Anyone would be, but I'm perfectly lucid."

"I know you are, it's just...."

"Just what?" she asked and pulled back from him. "Is it because I can't remember?

"No Kristin." he said softly and reached out to caress her cheek. "It's not that. I just don't want this to happen and have you end up regretting it when this is all over."

"How can I ever regret making love with a man who loves me?" she asked softly. "I will never regret anything that happens between us. I may not be able to remember but I do know what I want. I want you Nathan." she whispered and slipped her arms around his neck. "Stay." she murmured, her lips a hairs breadth from his. "love me." she finished and pressed her lips to his, kissing him hungrily. With a gentle tug she pulled him down onto the bed with her.

Nathan met her kisses with equal hunger, his searching tongue slipping past her parted lips to entwine with her own.

His hand slipped between the close press of their bodies, sliding beneath the short nightshirt she wore. His large, gentle hand caressed the length of her smooth thigh, past her silk covered hip and lean ribs to cup one full breast. Kristin moaned at his tender caress. Pulling his lips from hers Nathan looked down into her passion glazed sable eyes.

"Are you sure about this? There's still time to stop." he questioned huskily.

Kristin gave him a seductive smile then rolled pulling him with her until he was beneath her. She leaned back and pulled the nightshirt from her body, baring herself to his hungry gaze.

"I'm sure." she finished. With his hands on either side of her slender waist, Nathan pulled her down until she lay on top of him.

Desire grew and with each caress and each sigh the flames of passion burned hotter. Bodies and souls joined, became one in love's eon's old dance. They came together, again and again making love long into the night. They fell asleep in each other's arms exhausted and satiated just as, up in the world above the early morning sun painted the sky a brilliant orange.

Lucas yawned as he made his way to seadeck. He was up earlier than usual but he just couldn't sleep any longer. Arriving at seadeck he stepped inside and turned up the lights. Crossing to the tank Lucas turned on the vocorder. "Darwin, hey buddy are you awake?"

Seconds later the dolphin broke through the surface of the water. "Darwin awake Lucas."

"How ya doing fish breath." Lucas smiled and gave the dolphin's snout a gentle stroke.

"Darwin okay." the dolphin replied. "Lucas not okay?" he asked.

"I'm just tired. I didn't sleep very well."


"I'm just worried buddy."

"About Doctor Kristin?"


"Darwin worried too."

"I know you are."

"Ice man made Doctor Kristin lost." Darwin said.

"What?" Lucas asked, surprised.

"Ice man hurt Doctor Kristin." the dolphin said again.

"Ice man? I don't understand Darwin, who is the ice man?" Lucas questioned.

"Ice man." Darwin stated. "Lucas tell Bridger, Ice man hurt Doctor Kristin."

"Alright Dar, I'll tell him." Lucas replied, then after stroking the dolphin's head one last time he turned off the vocorder and strode from seadeck.

It was only a few minutes later when Lucas stopped in front of the captain's quarters. He knocked on the door and waited for a reply. It did not come. He knocked again, but still nothing.

"Hmm, maybe he's on the bridge." Lucas muttered to himself "Nope." he added as he looked down at his watch. I was barely 7 am and the captain never put in an appearance until at least 8 unless there was an emergency. Pushing open the door Lucas stepped into the cabin.

"Captain?" he called quietly as he stepped down inside. The room was empty but a light shining from the open door drew his attention to the conference room. Moving to it he stepped through into the empty room. Another open door greeted him. Lucas moved to it and paused in the doorway.

It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room and when they did and embarrassed flush spread across his cheeks.

The light from the bathroom and the room behind him let Lucas clearly see the couple blissfully asleep on the bed. The captain lay on his back with one arm flung over his head. His face was turned away from the door, pressed to a fragrant cloud of russet hair. Bridger's other arm lay beneath the woman at his side. She lay on her stomach, one arm lay across his bare chest. The sheet that had covered them was crumpled down at both their waists, leaving the long, smooth curve of Kristin's back visible.

Nathan turned his head on the pillow and saw the figure in the doorway. "Lucas?" he questioned.

"Oh geez Captain... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt I...."

"It's okay Lucas." Nathan replied in a quiet voice so as not to wake Kristin. "What is it?"

"I have something important to tell you and it probably shouldn't wait."

"Okay, just give me a minute."

"Alright." Lucas said and crossed back through to Nathan's cabin.

Nathan watched Lucas leave then turned his head to look at the woman still blithely asleep.

"We gave the poor boy an eyeful, didn't we sweetheart." he chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to her temple. "I'll have to remember to lock the door next time." With that he gently disentangled himself from Kristin. Smiling softly Nathan pulled the sheet up over her and brushed another kiss across her temple.

After picking up his underwear and slipping them on he moved back to his cabin. Lucas stood with his back to the door and Bridger smiled as he crossed to a chair and pulled on his robe.

"Okay Lucas." Nathan said as he tied the belt of his robe. "What is it?"

The young man turned to face him. "I was just down with Darwin and he said something to me."

"What was that?"

"He told me... Ice man hurt Doctor Kristin."

"Ice man?" Nathan frowned. "He didn't explain?"

"Nope. He just said... tell Bridger ice man hurt Doctor Kristin."

"Ice man... ice man?" Nathan mumbled as he paced the room. He stopped cold and turned to Lucas. "Oh God.... Zeller!"

"But isn't he still in prison?"

"So I'd thought but if Darwin is right then he's not."

"Darwin is almost never wrong." Lucas said quietly.

"I know, and that's what scares me." Nathan said as he crossed to the comm unit.

After a moment a sleepy Bill Noyce answered "Dammit Nathan, don't you know what time it is here!" he grumbled.

"Yes I do Bill, but I need some answers. Where's Zeller?"

Bill gave him a shocked look. "Why... why do you ask?"

"Kristin Westphalen has amnesia and was roughed up. Darwin says it was Zeller."

"You're believing a dolphin?!" Noyce said incredulously.

"Bill! Where is he!!!" Nathan snapped.

"Zeller escaped from confinement three weeks ago." Noyce said meekly.

"That maniac has been on the loose for three weeks and you didn't think to inform us!!" Nathan yelled.

"There was no need to tell you. The proper authorities have been alerted."

"No need!! Dammit Bill that mad man held my ship hostage! And we were the ones to put him away again. Kristin..... did it ever cross your mind for one second that if he got out he just might decide to seek revenge on those of us that put him away!"

"I'm sorry Nathan."

"You're sorry... where was he last seen?"

"Australia. He rented an abandoned undersea mining complex. It was as though he wanted us to find him."

"He did. Zeller's not stupid enough to rent anything in his own name unless it's deliberate. He wants us to come after him. Have the authorities checked it out yet?"

"No, I was going to send them this morning."

"Don't, we'll check it out. Give me the coordinates."

Noyce gave Nathan the coordinates. "I'm sorry Nathan, really I am. I didn't think..."

"Well it's a bit late now Bill, isn't it? One more thing, I'm holding you personally responsible for whatever happens." Nathan added and closed the channel.

He swore under his breath then turned to Lucas.

"What do we do now?" Lucas asked.

"We go after him, although I'm sure he's long gone by now."

Nathan turned back to the comm unit and calling the bridge, gave Ford the new coordinates.

Just as he had finished he heard soft footsteps behind him and turned to see Kristin in the doorway. "Nathan?" she called softly. Nathan smiled tenderly. Her russet hair was still sleep tousled and her slender body clothed in a flower print silk robe.

"Morning." he said and held out his arms. She crossed to his side and Nathan pulled her close to his side brushing a kiss across her temple.

"Good morning Lucas." she smiled as she noticed him standing by the door.

"Morning Doc. Uh Captain, I'm gonna go now and grab some breakfast."

"Thanks Lucas."

Lucas gave him a nod then slipped quietly from the room.

"What was that all about?" Kristin asked quietly.

"I'll tell you in a minute but first have a seat. I want to ask you something."

Nathan steered her to a chair and when she was seated knelt in front. "What's your earliest memory?"

Kristin thought for a moment. "Someone saying, my revenge is almost complete. Then flying... I don't remember anything else until the beach. This is new, I never remembered this before."

"That's good, it means your memories are returning."

"Now I have a question. Why do you ask?"

"Lucas just brought me some information which I've had confirmed. I think I know who did this to you."


"Reuben Zeller.

Kristin gasped and shivered.

"What?" Nathan asked and pressed gentle hands to her shoulders.

"When you spoke his name I had the most horrible feeling."

"That's because Zeller is a psychopathic killer. He has murdered hundreds of thousands by toxic poisoning, including your brother."

"I don't remember, but you're certain it's him?"

"Yes. Zeller's not a man to let sleeping dogs lie. He broke out of prison three weeks ago and he's bent on revenge. We embarrassed him and put him back in prison and he'll want retribution."

Kristin got up from the chair and turned her back to him, slipping her arms around herself. Nathan moved up behind her and gently pulled the woman back against him.

"Enough of this talk, " he murmured and kissed the top of her head. "What do you say we go and get some breakfast. I'm buying."

"Okay." she replied, a smile coloring her voice.

"Good, just give me a few minutes to shower and shave and we can go." he added. Nathan dropped a quick kiss to the curve of her neck and shoulder before stepping away and heading for the bathroom.

Kristin watched him disappear inside and seconds later she heard the sound of the shower. She moved across to the conference room door then stopped as an impish grin spread across her features. Turning back she moved to the bathroom door and stepped into the steam filled room.

Dropping her robe to the floor she moved to the shower stall. Quietly sliding the door open she stepped inside. Nathan turned around "Kristin?"

"My shower's still broken, remember?" she said with a mischievous grin. "So I thought that maybe you wouldn't mind sharing." she added as she stepped towards him.

"I suppose I can do that, but only for you." Bridger grinned.

"Better be only me." she muttered as she stepped into his arms and he pulled her under the hot spray of water.

"Report Commander." Nathan stated several hours later as he and Kristin stepped onto the bridge.

"We're approaching the coordinates you gave us sir." Ford stated as he turned to face them.

"Good, I want a WSKRS view on the forward screen Mr. Ortiz."

"Aye sir. I have an incoming signal from mother." Ortiz stated and the forward screen came to life.

The lights from both seaQuest and the WSKRS illuminated the still, silent complex. Kristin gasped and Nathan turned to look at her.

"I know this place." she mumbled softly. "My life ended here."

"What do you mean your life ended?" Nathan asked quietly.

"I'm not sure, just that whatever made me like this happened here." Kristin said softly.

"Then I guess the only way to find out what happened is to go over there. Knowing Zeller he undoubtedly left us some clues." Nathan said. "Commander have Tony and Dagwood meet me at a launch. I also want a security contingent and have Doctor Smith send someone from her staff."

"Yes sir." Ford nodded.

Nathan turned to face Kristin. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Nathan," she said softly. "I need to go with you."

"Kristin....." he protested.

"Please Nathan I have to go."

"Alright." Bridger acquiesced and took her arm leading her from the bridge.

It was about a half hour later when the launch docked with the mining complex. Tony moved to the airlock and checked the seal. He took a reading of the inside atmosphere. "Somebody left the life support on." he stated. "It's safe to go inside."

"Zeller knew that we were coming." Nathan stated quietly, more to himself than to anyone else. He stood up then pulled Kristin to her feet. He turned to look at the security chief as Tony opened the airlock.

"Chief Shan?"

"Alright men, move it out! Rogers, Anderson take point. Williams and Evans I want you bringing up the rear. The rest of you file in behind the point team." The security guards quickly did as they were ordered.

The group filed out into the complex and paused a few feet inside. Nathan stepped up to Shan's side and spoke quietly to him. "Chief maybe you should split your team up. The blueprints say that this place has five levels. We'd get the search done in half the time."

Shan nodded. "Alright you heard the Captain. We've got five levels to search. Rogers and Anderson stay with the main group. The rest of you pair up and pick a level. I want a thorough search and remember that this guy Zeller is a psycho so watch your backs. I want report backs every fifteen. Now move out!" Shan barked.

Once the members of the security team had left the others moved forward. They moved down the long corridor. The security officers opened every door, checking each room as they moved.

At the end of the long hallway was a door that stood partially open. A beam of light streamed through the crack. Shan stopped the group.

"This might be what we are looking for." Shan said quietly then turned to Bridger. "Maybe the Doctor should stay here until we're sure what is inside."

"Of course Chief." Nathan agreed. "Take the others inside. We'll stay here."

Shan took the rest of the group into the room while Nathan, Kristin and Dagwood waited outside. The instant the group stepped inside there came a collective gasp. "Oh my God!" someone called out.

Nathan moved to the door and suddenly Tony was blocking his way. "You'd better not let the Doc see this." Tony said quietly.


"Cause I think this may be why she...." Piccalo's voice trailed off.

Nathan turned to look at Kristin. "Stay with Dagwood." he said quietly.


"Please Kristin, stay with Dagwood!" he stated firmly and then turned to the GELF.

"Look after the Lady."

"Yes Captain." Dagwood replied.

Nathan turned, stepping into the room and looked upon a scene of horror. A straight backed chair sat in the middle of the room. It was bolted to the floor and had restraints added to it. The chair faced an airtight plexiglass enclosure. Inside the enclosure were two bodies and from the looks of them they had died slow, painful, horrible deaths. The young doctor stood in front of the enclosure. He turned back to look at Nathan and was a little green around the gills.

He took a deep breath. "From what I can tell, they died of toxic poisoning. They have all the classic signs."

"Zeller's trademark." Nathan spat out.

Bridger stepped up to the glass wall to get a closer look at the corpses. One was male and the other was female. They'd died facing the chair on the outside. Nathan gasped in shock when he saw the faces. The male could have been himself, the resemblance was so uncanny. It was like looking in a mirror. The only difference between them was that this man wore a beard that he, himself had shaved off. Zeller and Kristin would have had no way of knowing that he had shaved since the last time that he and Kristin had met. Nathan shuddered as a cold shiver skipped up his spine. This explained Kristin's feeling at dinner the other night. She would have had no way of knowing that his man wasn't him.

Nathan turned to look at the woman. Sorrow, deep and intense rushed over him as he recognized the delicate features.

"You know her sir?" the doctor asked quietly.

"Yes." Nathan responded quietly, fighting back his tears. "Yes I know her." No wonder Kristin had developed amnesia, being forced to watch the deaths of these two innocent people.

"Who is she sir?"

"Her name is Cynthia, Cynthia Westphalen. She's Kristin's daughter. Oh God no... not this." he said softly.

Suddenly the room was filled with an eerie bone chilling scream. "NO! OH GOD NO!!!"

Nathan turned and saw Kristin standing behind him "Kristin..." he began as he moved to her.

The brick wall exploded into tiny fragments and the memories blocked behind them spilled out in a tidal wave. The onslaught was too much for her to bear all at once and Kristin fell to her knees. She wrapped her arms around herself and began to sob hysterically.

"My baby!" she cried as Nathan knelt and pulled her into a protective embrace. "He killed my baby. Cynny my little girl!" she sobbed as she looked into Nathan's tear filled sapphire eyes.

Nathan did not reply, for what could he say? He of all the people here knew exactly what she was going through. He'd lived this nightmare himself. He knew the agony of losing one's child. Nathan also knew that nothing he could say right now would help, he could only offer his love and support.

Wrapping his arms more tightly around her he pressed her close to the sheltering warmth of his body. Kristin buried her face in his chest and sobbed out her heartbreak.

Minutes later the doctor was at his side. "Shall I give her something to help calm her sir?" he asked quietly.

Nathan looked up at the young doctor and nodded. The doctor knelt beside them and administered a light sedative. Minutes later Kristin's sobbing quieted and the slow rhythmic sound of her breathing told him she was asleep. Tenderly Nathan brushed a kiss across the top of her head.

Nathan looked up again when he felt someone nearby. Dagwood stood quietly. "Dagwood sorry Captain." he apologized.

"Its not your fault Dagwood."

"Dagwood take care of the lady now."

Although he was loathe to release her Nathan knew that for the moment he had to. "Alright Dagwood." Nathan said as he got to his feet with Kristin in his arms. He passed her over "Take her back to the launch and stay with her. Call me if she wakes up."

"Dagwood will." the GELF stated and carried Kristin from the room.

Nathan watched them leave then with a sigh turned to face the others. He moved over to where Shan stood near a control panel.

"Chief?" Nathan said quietly and the young man turned to face him. "What have you found?"

"My teams have just reported in. They found nothing but I found this in the recording unit over there." he said and held up a small video disc. "It has your name on it sir."

Nathan took it and slipped it into his pocket. "Thanks Chief." he said quietly. "If your teams are finished then have them report back to the launch."

"Aye sir." Shan replied and pulled out his PAL.

Bridger stepped away and crossed over to the doctor. "Anything more Doctor?" he asked quietly.

The doctor turned to face him "I found out all that I can without doing autopsies."

"Is it safe to move the bodies when you're not sure what killed them?"

"We'll use full quarantine procedures sir. I'll put the bodies in containment suits and do the autopsies in the quarantine chamber."

Nathan nodded. "Do what you have to Doctor."

"Yes sir. We have containment suits in the launch. We could take them back with us."

"Alright," Bridger nodded "Get Piccalo to help you."

The doctor nodded and crossed over to Tony.

It was several minutes later when the launch pulled away from the mining complex. The air inside was subdued and quiet. Everyone was lost in their own thoughts of the horror they had found inside. Nathan looked down at the woman who slept with her head in his lap. He ran his fingers through her hair in a gentle caress. Nathan's heart went out to her, for he knew that when she woke up the horror of what had happened would still be there for her. Leaning down he pressed his lips to her forehead.

"I'm here for you sweetheart, " he murmured "I'll always be here for you."

Nathan left Kristin sleeping on his bed and went to the wardroom. Pulling the video disc from his pocket and slipped it into the playback unit. Almost instantly Zeller's features appeared on the screen. He flashed an oily smile.

"Hello Bridger. If you're viewing this then you've no doubt found the surprise I left for you. I understand that the lovely Doctor Westphalen is a shadow of her former self." he laughed evilly.

Nathan's anger built with each word Zeller spoke as the man talked on about revenge. "I will have my revenge Bridger. We will meet again, on my terms. I'll be in touch." he finished.

Nathan paused the disc. "Your ass is mine Zeller! I will get you and this time you will pay!"

Nathan turned off the player and stepped from the room. Crossing the hall he checked in on Kristin and saw that she was still sleeping. Stepping quietly from the room, Nathan headed down to Medbay.

Nathan entered just as Doctor Smith stepped from the isolation chamber.

"Doctor?" he questioned as he stepped up to her. "What did you find out?"

"Well they both died from cyanide gas laced with strychnine. There's no danger to anyone else. This Zeller's one sick bastard! This was a slow and painful way to die."

"Any idea who the man was?"

"I took prints and Shan is running them. He'd had plastic surgery recently. Within the last two weeks. There was still some bruising around the incision sites. My guess would be that this Zeller wanted him to look like you so...."

"Kristin would think that he was me, yes I know." Nathan said quietly.

"So what's next?" Smith asked.

"We go after Zeller and stop him, for good this time."

"He's broken out of prison twice, the only way to ensure that he doesn't do it again is...."

"If he's dead. I know." Bridger stated. "Thank you Doctor." he finished and strode from the room.

Heading back to his quarters Nathan stepped quietly inside and closed the door. Looking over at the woman who was curled up on his bed, he could tell that she was awake and crying softly. Compassion washed over him and he crossed to sit beside her.

"Kristin?" he said quietly and touched her shoulder. She stiffened but did not turn. "Please sweetheart, look at me." he asked gently.

The woman turned and her eyes were red and swollen from crying. Nathan reached out and gently brushed the tears from her cheeks. "I know this probably won't help much right now, but I know what you are going through." he said softly.

Kristin opened her mouth to yell that he couldn't possibly know what she was feeling right now and stopped herself when she realized that he did. Nathan was the only one who did understand. She saw in his eyes the memory of his own pain, the agony he had suffered with Robert's death.

Kristin sat up and moved into his protective embrace. "How do you go on?" she murmured against his shirt.

"You just do." he whispered quietly and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "It's not easy, but I promise you that the pain does get better."

"I don't see how."

"I know. It will never go away. To this day I still miss Robert but I have my memories and they keep me going. For so long after he was gone I thought I couldn't go on, especially when I lost Carol too. I stopped living then one day I found a reason to live again." He pulled back and cupped her face gently between his hands. Looking down into her misty sable eyes he gave her a tender smile. "I have something to say and I want you to listen closely. It's okay to go on living Kristin. It's okay to laugh and to love and live your life. Do you know who taught me that?"

She shook her head.

"You did." he whispered softly and she gave him a small smile. "Cynthia would want you to carry on, to live your life and if her temper was anything like yours then she'd be mad as hell at you if you don't."

Kristin smiled. "Yes she would."

Nathan reached out and brushed back the hair from her eyes, tucking the errant strands behind her ears. "Do you feel up to telling me what happened?"

Kristin sighed and then gave him a short nod. "We were in New Cape Quest shopping... it all happened so quickly. We stepped out of the store and went back to the car. He must have used something to knock us out because the next thing I remember I woke up in a room of that complex with Zeller standing over me. He tried to....." her voice trailed off.

Nathan tenderly brushed her cheek. "I know sweetheart." he said softly.

"I hit him over the head with the bedside lamp. I got away but he came after me and he must have used some sort of stun weapon because I came to in that chair and..." she stopped. "Oh God Nathan it was horrible."

"Sh," he murmured and pressed his lips to her forehead. "I know."

She leaned into his embrace and then after a moment she asked. "Did you find out what he used?"

"Yes, Smith said he used cyanide gas laced with strychnine."

Kristin winced and then gave him a small nod. "So then its safe to...."


"Well then I suppose I have some arrangements to make." she said softly as tears misted her eyes once again.

"Do you want some help?" Nathan offered quietly.

"Yes," Kristin nodded. "I don't want to do this alone."

"I'd never let you do that." Nathan responded softly and pulled her close once again. Kristin leaned into his embrace drinking in his warmth and strength.

"Oh no...." she murmured after a long moment.



"Cynthia's father?"

"Yes, he needs to be told."

"I'll take care of it."

"Thank you. I just can't face him, not right now."

"I understand." he said softly and pulled back to look at her. Leaning forward he kissed her softly. "What do you say we go and get some dinner. I'm buying."

"Okay." she nodded "Just give me a few minutes." She finished and got up from the bed crossing over to the bathroom.

Three days later Nathan stopped the car on the tree lined driveway in the small cemetery. He turned off the ignition and turned to look at the woman sitting next to him. Her head was down as she smoothed an imaginary wrinkle from her short black skirt. He reached out and grasped her hand squeezing it tenderly. She looked up and gave him a teary smile.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly.

"I will be when this day is over."

"I'm here for you Kristin." he said softly. Reaching out he caressed her cheek beneath the short mesh veil that hung from her hat.

"I know, and that's the only reason I can get through this." she replied, leaning into his caress.


"No but let's go and get this over with."

Nathan nodded and stepped from the car. Crossing to Kristin's door he opened it and helped her out. Offering his arm she slipped her arm through his and he pulled it close, walking with her to the grave side.

Chairs lined both sides of the grave and the rich mahogany coffin was surrounded by white roses. Friends and colleagues of both Kristin and Cynthia were already waiting and stepped forward to offer their condolences. Finally the minister who would be performing the service stepped forward to speak quietly with Kristin. When they were done Nathan steered Kristin to a seat on the front row then took a seat beside her. He took her hand in his and held it firmly. Kristin looked at him, her sable eyes speaking a silent thank you before she turned her eyes away.

Just as the service was about to begin Nathan heard her gasp softly and she stiffened. Leaning over Nathan whispered close to her ear. "What is it?"

"Richard." was all she said. Nathan looked over to see the tall blond man with a statuesque brunette on his arm move through the mourners to take a seat on the other side.

Throughout the service Kristin found her thoughts wandering. She wasn't paying attention to what the minister was saying, instead she found herself reliving moments of her daughter's life. The very first time she had felt the stirring of life inside her; the day Cynthia had been born; her first word; her first tooth; the first time she had walked on fat, wobbly baby legs; her first date and first heartbreak - all these images and more fluttered to the front of her thoughts. They were moments that at the time Kristin had taken for granted and they were moments that she wished she could live again. If she could live those moments again she would savor and treasure each one. Kristin bit back a sob and felt Nathan's eyes on her. His hand closed around hers, warm and comforting and she interlaced their fingers pulling his hand close.

When the service was over the assembled mourners filed past the casket saying their goodbyes. Nathan helped Kristin to her feet then after stepping forward to say his own goodbyes to Cynthia he stepped back to let Kristin have a moment alone.

Kristin stepped up to the casket. She pulled out a long stemmed rose from one of the bouquets and laid it gently on the top. Pressing her hand to the dark wood Kristin whispered. "Goodbye baby, rest well."

Stepping away she moved back to Nathan's side and he slipped his arm around her waist pulling her close to him. Kristin rested her head on his shoulder as Nathan led her back to the car.

Suddenly Kristin's ex-husband stood before them.

"Richard!" she gasped. "What do you want?"

The green eyes he turned on her were cold and hate filled. "I just wanted to take one last look at the woman who killed my daughter!"

Kristin gave a shocked gasp. "What?"

"It's because of you that psycho killed Cynthia!" he stated coldly. "It's your fault she's dead!"

"Bastard!" Kristin swore, choking on a sob. Right now she didn't have the strength to fight with him. "You don't know, you couldn't possibly know..." she sobbed and turned away burying her face in Nathan's shoulder. Nathan pulled her close, holding her trembling body tightly as she cried on his shoulder.

Nathan turned his eyes to the man who still stood in front of them and fixed the man with a cold hard stare. It was a look that very rarely entered his eyes. Those that knew Bridger, however, knew that when that look entered his eyes it was time to run for the hills. Nathan's voice was low and dangerous.

"If you ever say anything like that to her again. If you ever come near Kristin again you will regret the day you ever saw me!" Nathan stated coldly.

"That sounds like a threat!"

"It is! You've hurt Kristin enough and I won't let you hurt her ever again! This was not her fault and if you mention it again, especially to Kristin you will answer to me!" Nathan finished then gently led Kristin away.

Several days later Kristin sat in Nathan's stateroom mulling over the events of the last few days. She'd been through an emotional wringer but as Nathan had promised each day got a little easier and she couldn't have gotten through any of this without his love and support. A small smile teased her lips as she thought of him but that smile faded when she realized that this wasn't over yet. They still had not heard anything from Zeller. He was still out there somewhere, although no trace of him could be found. Kristin knew deep down that Zeller wasn't finished yet and until he made the first move he held all the cards. Kristin shivered involuntarily, then her thoughts returned once again to Nathan and she smiled.

Getting up from her chair Kristin went to the Officer's mess to arrange for dinner to be sent then returned to Nathan's quarters so as to have everything ready by the time he came off duty.

Sometime later Kristin stood back to admire her handiwork. The conference table was set intimately for two with a trio of lit candles as a centerpiece. Dinner, having arrived minutes earlier, sat on the table. Each plate was covered by a dome to keep the food hot. A bottle of wine sat chilling in a bucket of ice. Kristin smiled and gave a short nod of satisfaction. Reaching up she cleared a swathe of russet hair from her forehead also brushing away the beads of perspiration that had formed there.

"Mmm, it's hot in here." she murmured to herself. "I'll have to get Nathan to adjust the environmental controls." she added as she crossed back to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

A half hour later Nathan pushed open the door to his quarters and stepped inside.

"Kristin?" he called out quietly.

"In here Nathan." her voice drifted from the conference room.

Bridger crossed to the door with quick easy strides and stopped in the doorway. A pleased smile crossed his features. "What's all this?" he asked as he took in the scene before him.

Kristin gave him a smile "It's a thank you." she said softly. "I couldn't have gotten through this without you."

Nathan smiled and moved towards her. "You're welcome. I'm just sorry that it was necessary." he said softly and pulled her into his arms. He pressed his lips to her forehead and a frown creased his brow. He looked down into her eyes. "Kristin, you feel a little warm are you alright?"

"I'm fine Nathan." she smiled up at him. "I'm just a little tired."

"You're sure?"

"Yes." she ended and kissed him gently. "Now let's eat before the food gets cold."

"Yes ma'am." Nathan chuckled and moved with her to the table.

Dinner was a quiet, intimate affair and they lingered for awhile afterwards, talking over coffee.

"Be back in a minute." Kristin said as she got up and headed for her stateroom. Smiling, Nathan got up and followed her. He stepped into her quarters just as she slipped from the bathroom. She smiled at him and moved towards him. Nathan moved forward meeting her halfway. As Kristin neared him she stumbled suddenly. Nathan's reaction was immediate, he reached out and caught her pulling her tight against him. It was as he pulled her close that he noticed Kristin's body temperature was several degrees higher than it should have been.

"Kristin!" he said anxiously "You're running a fever! I'm calling medbay."

"Maybe you're right." she whispered. "I didn't think it was anything to worry about." she finished and rested her forehead in the crook of his neck. "I'm......" her voice trailed off and she went limp in his arms.

"Kristin!!" he called fearfully. Fumbling for his PAL Nathan pulled it out and raised it to his mouth. "Bridger to medbay!" he barked.

"Doctor Smith here Captain."

"I have a medical emergency in the VIP quarters. Kristin has collapsed."

"I'm on my way." she finished and the channel closed.

The next few minutes felt like an eternity to Nathan as he waited for the doctor to arrive. Minutes later there was a sharp rap on the door and Smith stepped inside. She was followed closely by two orderlies. "What happened?" she questioned as she walked up to him.

"She has a fever."

Smith nodded and motioned for the orderlies to place Kristin on a stretcher. Nathan released her reluctantly and watched as she was settled gently on the stretcher. Smith knelt beside her and did a quick examination. "How long ago did she loose consciousness?" she asked looking up at him.

"Just before I called you. Will she be alright?"

"I don't know yet. I have to run some tests." Smith stated then looked up at her orderlies. "Let's get her to medbay."

Nathan paced just outside the small treatment room where Wendy had disappeared with Kristin nearly a half hour before. It was several minutes later when Smith stepped from the room.

"Doctor?" he asked anxiously.

The doctor sighed and rubbed a hand across the back of her neck before looking up into the captain's worried face. "I ran some tests and did a tox screen. I won't have the results of that for several hours but to tell you the truth I don't know what's making her sick. All I know is that whatever it is it's virulent and insidious. It's attacking her body systems one by one. It started with her immune system that's why she has a fever and it's slowly making its way to her other systems. At the rate this is progressing I'd say she has 72 hours maybe a little more before her body shuts down completely." Smith said quietly and saw the fear shining in his eyes.

"Can I see her?" he asked quietly.

"Alright, but just for a few minutes." she said and moved away.

Nathan watched the doctor move away and then crossed to the door. He paused a moment in the doorway before he moved to the bed. The icy hand of fear closed it's fist around his heart as he looked down at the woman he loved. Her fever ravaged body was covered only by a light sheet pulled up to her bare shoulders. Perspiration glistened on her forehead and her flawless tawny skin was marred by the angry red hue of her fever.

Reaching out Nathan took one of her slender hands in his and pulled it close. He rested his free hand on her forehead, brushing back her sweat dampened hair and the flesh beneath his palm was painfully hot. She stirred on the bed and turned her head on the pillow. Her eyes fluttered open and their sable depths were bright and fever glazed. "Nathan." she whispered.

"Hi" he replied and gave her a tender smile. "How are you doing?"

"Not so good." she murmured.

"I know." he replied softly "Smith is working to find out what is wrong."

Kristin replied with short nod. "Tired." she muttered softly.

"Then sleep sweetheart." he said quietly and pressed his lips to her forehead. "I love you." he added. "I'm going to go and let you sleep but I'll be back in a little while."

" 'kay." she mumbled as she drifted off into a light sleep.

"I won't lose you!" Nathan vowed softly as he stepped from her side and crossed to the door. He paused and looked back over his shoulder at her before slipping from the room.

Nathan moved down the hallway heading back to his quarters. He stopped when his PAL purred for attention. Pulling the device from his pocket he turned it on. "Bridger."

"Sir I have an incoming call for you." O'Neil's voice said.

"Who's it from Lieutenant?"

"Unknown sir. The caller wouldn't say and there's a signal scramble so I can't trace it's origin."

~ Zeller ~ Nathan thought. "Put it through to my cabin."

"Aye sir." O'Neil replied.

Nathan stepped down into his cabin and crossed to his desk. Reaching out he punched the receive button on the comm-unit at the same time flipping another switch so as to record the call. Zeller's smug features came on the screen.

"Hello Bridger." he grinned evilly.

"Cut the crap Zeller, what do you want?!" Nathan snapped.

"Tsk tsk Captain we mustn't be testy. Aren't you enjoying my game?"

"What do you want!?" Nathan stressed, fighting down the urge to jump through the screen and wrap his hands around Zeller's throat.

"Oh just to play my trump card. If my calculations are correct then the good doctor should be feeling a bit under the weather about now."

"What did you do to her!"

"Oh I slipped her a little something before I let her go. Something I've been working on, a slow acting poison, and by the time the symptoms appear it's almost to late to administer the antidote." Zeller smiled winningly at the look of horror on Nathan's face but Nathan recovered his composure quickly.

"What antidote?"

"Why the one I have with me of course. You have 36 hours to administer the antidote before her condition is irreversible. I suggest you tell the doctor to keep as still as possible, the more she moves around the faster the poison works."

"And what do I have to do to get this antidote?"

"Just meet me, alone and I'll give it to you."

Nathan gave him a disbelieving laugh "Right! How do I know that you'll give me the antidote if I show up? I don't trust you."

"Good point but let me put it this way, what choice do you have? I have the only antidote and your incompetent medical team will never find it in time. The only scientist who might be able to find it is too ill to accomplish the task. Face it Bridger, your lover's life is in my hands. You will do as I ask or she will die."

"Where?" Nathan asked coldly, keeping his rage at bay.

Zeller smiled and gave him the coordinates. "You have four hours Bridger and come alone." Zeller finished and cut the transmission. Nathan paused to get his surging emotions under control before calling Ford and telling him he had some personal business to take care of.

With that done he changed out of his uniform into civilian clothes. Then before heading for the launch bay he stopped by medbay. Stepping quietly into the ship's hospital he crossed over to Kristin's room. Looking inside he saw that she was still sleeping. Moving quietly he crossed to her bedside and looked down at her. Reaching out he tenderly brushed the back of his hand down her cheek. As he watched her sleep the words of and old song came to his mind.

~I would fight for you; I'd lie for you, walk the wire for you... ~ "I would die for you." he added speaking the last line in a soft whisper. As he spoke the words he knew them to be true. He would willingly give up his life so that she could live. Nathan hoped it wouldn't come to that but if it did he was ready to make the sacrifice. Pressing his lips to her Nathan kissed her tenderly. "I love you Kristin." he whispered against her lips. He stepped back and after taking one last look at her he slipped from the room and went to meet Zeller.

She was tired, so very tired but despite that she fought to open her eyes. Sable eyes fluttered open and focused on the person standing beside her bed.

"Nathan?" Kristin whispered hoarsely. "I want to see Nathan."

Wendy leaned over the older woman and gave her a compassionate smile. "The captain is not here right now." she explained quietly.

"Where is he?" Kristin questioned, panic entering her voice. "Where did he go?"

Smith did not reply at first.

"Please Wendy, tell me the truth."

Smith nodded. "All I know is he received some sort of message and went up world. That was three hours ago."

Kristin nodded and closed her eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks. She knew where Nathan was headed. What she had thought to be only a dream had been confirmed by Smith. From far away she had heard Nathan's voice say "I would die for you" Nathan had gone to confront Zeller and that knowledge scared her to the very core of her soul. Kristin had lost two people she loved to Reuben Zeller and she refused to lose another.

Concentrating, Kristin slowed her breathing, feigning sleep. Several minutes later she heard Smith step from the room. She waited several more minutes to be sure that she was alone before opening her eyes. Weakly Kristin pulled herself upright and scanned her room and the room beyond. Both were empty. Sitting on the edge of the bed she pulled the sheet around her nude body and slid from the bed.

Hanging on to the edge of the bed Kristin stopped to regain her equilibrium and fight down a wave of nausea. Once she was sure that she could move without throwing up she moved slowly to the door. Stopping in the doorway she once more scanned the outer room. Assured that she would not be seen Kristin crossed to where she knew the supply cupboard would be.

Kristin stole a pair of surgical scrubs and with effort she pulled the top over her head. Sitting down she slipped on the pants and tied the drawstring around her waist. Kristin paused a moment to catch her breath. This small act of dressing herself had sapped most of her precious strength but she had to get to Nathan before it was too late. With added resolve Kristin got up from the chair and slowly made her way to Nathan's cabin.

Several minutes later Kristin entered and breathed a sigh of relief that she hadn't been caught yet. She had to hurry and get off seaQuest before someone discovered that she was missing. If that happened they would lock down the boat and she wouldn't be able to go. Crossing to Nathan's desk she activated the comm unit and played back the last message he had received.

Kristin shuddered as she reached out and shut off the message. She closed her eyes as Zeller's smug features disappeared from view. Now knowing what she had to do and where she had to go, Kristin searched the room for something to wear on her feet. Finding a pair of her canvas deck shoes she slipped them on and moved once more to the door.

Several minutes later Kristin had made it to the launch bay undetected. She breathed a sigh of relief as the small launch she had commandeered slipped from seaQuest's belly.

"Commander Ford, I'm reading an unauthorized launch!" O'Neil reported.

"Who is it?

"Unknown sir."

"Call them and get them back here!" Ford ordered.

"They're not responding and they are moving out of range."

Ford swore under his breath.

"Medbay to Bridge." Smith's voice came over the intercom.

"Ford here, what is it Doctor?"

"Commander, Doctor Westphalen is missing from medbay."

"Now we know who stole the launch." O'Neil said quietly.

"Alright, we'll take care of it Doctor." Ford stated and closed the channel.

"The Doc is probably going after the Captain." Lucas put in. "Especially if he has gone after Zeller."

Ford flashed Lucas a concerned frown and then moved to the clam doors. "I'm going to find out what's going on." he stated. "I'll be in the captain's quarters."

Kristin parked the launch on a deserted section of beach then she stepped from the launch and after making sure it was secured she moved to the road. Her progress was slow as her strength was slowly leaving her. She was functioning now only on determination and the stubbornness she was known for.

Several minutes later Kristin sighed as she came to a parking lot. She paused and looked around, spying a waiting taxi nearby. She moved towards it. Seeing her approach the driver got out and held open the door for her.

Reaching into the pocket of her scrubs Kristin pulled out her credentials, grateful that she had the foresight to bring it and some money with her. "I'm Doctor Westphalen of the UEO. I have a medical emergency and I need you to take me to this address right away." she said as she slipped into the back seat and handed him the small slip of paper.

The driver closed the door for her then once he had slipped behind the wheel he opened the paper and read the address. He turned around to look at her and his young face wore a concerned frown. "Are you sure Doctor? This address is in a pretty seedy part of L.A."

"Yes, I'm sure." Kristin responded.


Kristin leaned her head back as the taxi started moving. She closed her eyes and tried to conserve her rapidly failing strength. Kristin knew that she was getting worse. The poison was moving swiftly throughout her body. Her fever had increased and there was now tingling sensations in both her legs and hands. As a doctor, Kristin knew that these signs were not good. Logic and medical knowledge told her she should be resting to slow down the poison's progression. Her heart, however, was telling her another story. Kristin knew that Zeller was planning to kill Nathan and leave her to succumb to his little time bomb. It had been his plan all along. He had wanted to hurt Nathan by hurting her and then watch Nathan die with the knowledge that she too was dying with the cure just inches from his grasp. Kristin would not let that happen. She would not let her one last chance at happiness be ripped from her as everything else had been. She would not lose Nathan and if the fates demanded her life as payment for sparing his then so be it. She too, would die for him.

The driver's voice broke into her thoughts a few minutes later. "We're here Doctor."

Kristin opened her eyes and looked out at the small rundown warehouse. "Thank you." she said quietly and gave him a smile as she paid her fare.

He took the money. "Do you want me to wait? I just don't feel right leaving you here. I won't even keep the meter running." he offered.

Kristin paused. "Alright. Thank you." she nodded and slipped from the taxi.

Pulling open the door Kristin stepped inside. It was a dark and dingy place and it took her eyes a minute to adjust from the brightness outside. Hearing the muffled sound of angry voices Kristin moved towards them.

Fear gripped her heart as Kristin neared and her eyes took in the sight before her. Both men were bruised and bloody, and although Nathan was the more experienced fighter Zeller was more underhanded and had the upper hand. He delivered a vicious punch and Nathan reeled back, falling into a table.

"I've had enough of this." Zeller sneered and pulled out a gun that somehow in the fight he had managed to keep hidden. "I will kill you now Bridger and you will die with the knowledge that your lover will soon follow you!"

"NO!" Kristin screamed and rushed at him. Her cry startled Zeller and the gun jerked up. The bullet caught Nathan high in his left shoulder and he grunted in pain as he was thrown to the ground.

Kristin launched herself at Zeller's back and hung on for dear life as she pounded on him with the last of her strength. Her attack knocked the gun from his grasp and it skittered across the floor. Enraged, Zeller flung her from his back and Kristin landed hard, striking her head on the concrete floor.

"Damn you Zeller!" Nathan swore. "You'll rot in hell for that." He rose to his feet. Zeller grinned evilly and moved for the gun that was nearest to Nathan. As he moved a pair of legs appeared in his path and he tripped. He landed on the floor with a loud grunt of pain. He rolled and saw Kristin's pain filled eyes glaring at him.

"I'll kill you now bitch while your lover watches!" he swore and rose to his feet, advancing on her still form.

Suddenly a gunshot rocked the near silent air. A look of shocked surprise crossed Zeller's face as he looked down at the red stain blossoming on his chest. "I'll see you in hell Bridger." the man swore as he collapsed to the ground.

Nathan dropped the smoking pistol to the ground at his feet and rushed to Kristin's side. Gathering her in his arms, Nathan ignored the searing pain in his shoulder as he pulled her close.

"Kristin!" he called fearfully. Her eyes fluttered open and those exquisite sable eyes scanned his features.

"Nathan." she whispered weakly and reached out a trembling hand to touch his face. Her breathing was a deep gasping wheeze.

"That was a pretty stupid thing to do sweetheart." he admonished tenderly as tears ran down his cheeks. "You shouldn't even be here."

"Couldn't... couldn't let him hurt you." she wheezed and then gave him a tender smile "I love you Nathan. I will always love you." she ended and her eyes closed.


"We've found Doctor Westphalen's launch sir. The locator is reading it on the beach directly above us." O'Neil reported

"Good. Lucas, " Ford said and turned to face the teen. "Did the captain have his PAL with him?"

"I don't know, but probably. He would want a way to contact seaQuest incase he needed to."

"O'Neil patch me through to the captain's PAL. "

"Aye sir."

At the sound of the gun shot the taxi driver jumped from the car and ran inside. He stopped cold at the scene. One man lay, obviously dead in the middle of the room the other one who was injured was cradling the doctor in his arms. The man's grief was evident as his shoulders shook with sobs.

"Sir?" he called out quietly and Bridger lifted his head to look at the young man. Just then a muffled chirping sounded in the room.

"What's that?" the taxi driver asked.

"My comm device." Nathan replied and with his good hand pulled the device out

"Captain this is seaQuest, do you read?" O'Neil's voice came through the small speaker.

"I'm here Lieutenant." Bridger said softly.

"Commander I've got him." Tim called back.

"Captain are you alright?" Ford asked.

"I'll be fine but Kristin's not. I need you to get a med team here right away and bring Lucas with you I need him to hack into Zeller's computer system."

"Yes sir. We'll be at your location in a few minutes. Do you want me to send security to detain Zeller?"

"That won't be necessary Commander. Zeller's dead."

"Aye sir. Just hang on we'll be there soon." Ford said.

The time ticked by at an intolerably slow pace as Nathan waited for his crew to arrive. He sat on the floor with Kristin held close to his heart. "I won't let you die." he murmured softly into her hair and slowly rocked her in his arms. Her skin against his cheek was fiery hot and the wheeze of her breathing had grown more pronounced and labored. She was slowly slipping away from him and Nathan was afraid that help would not arrive in time. He pulled her closer as if the sheer force of his arms could prevent death from taking her away from him. Just when Nathan thought he could wait no longer the door to the warehouse burst open and the seaQuest team rushed in. "Help's here sweetheart." he murmured "Just hang on."

Wendy Smith was at his side in an instant. "I'll take her now Captain." she stated softly. Nathan looked up into the doctor's eyes and nodded. He released Kristin and watched as Smith set her gently on the ground and cast a quick glance at the woman's prone form.

"That's my blood." Nathan responded to the doctor's unasked question. Smith nodded and looked back at her captain taking in the bullet wound in his shoulder.

"You'd better let one of my medics look at that." When he seemed reluctant to leave she added. "I promise to let you know when I have any news."

"Okay." Bridger nodded and got to his feet. One of the medics steered him to a chair and began working on his shoulder. Lucas approached quietly.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly.

"I'll be fine Lucas. I need you to get into Zeller's computer system and find the antidote for the poison he gave Kristin. We don't have much time Zeller said we have 36 hours before the condition was irreversible, that was almost eight hours ago."

"Are you sure it's in there?"

"I'm not certain but knowing Zeller he would want to use this again and wouldn't want to take the chance of forgetting the formula for the antidote. He put it down somewhere. The most likely place is the computer."

"I'll do what I can." Lucas said and moved to the computer that sat on a small table.

Nearly an hour later Lucas was still working. He had hacked his way through eight lines of encryption codes and was nearly through. He wiped the perspiration from his forehead. He looked over his shoulder to where the captain sat at Kristin's side, with Doctor Smith close by and then turned back to the computer.

Fifteen minutes later he gave out a crow of success. "I'm through!" he called out.

Smith and Bridger were quickly at side watching as Lucas scrolled through the information.

"Wait!" Smith said... "Back up."

Lucas did and Wendy leaned forward and tapped a fingernail on the computer screen.

"I think that's it." she stated.

"Are you sure?" Nathan asked.

"No, not entirely but we can't be sure until I synthesize the antidote and give it to her."

Nathan nodded. "Print that out Lucas and then purge the system. We don't want anyone else to get a hold of this madman's research."

"Yes sir." Lucas said quietly.

A short time later Lucas got up from the computer and moved to the small group that was huddled around Kristin's prone form. "It's done Captain." he said quietly. " I put a worm virus into the system and it will destroy all traces of Zeller's work."

"Good Lucas." he said quietly. "Now lets get back to seaQuest."

Nathan stood quietly by Kristin's bed as he waited for Smith to finish synthesizing the antidote. She was getting worse, he didn't need the monitors to tell him that. Since the time they had left the warehouse her condition had progressively worsened until Wendy had told him that even with the antidote she wasn't sure that Kristin would pull through. As he looked down into her pale face, studying every exquisite feature he knew that nothing else mattered to him except to see her lashes lift and reveal those beautiful whiskey-hued eyes that were always so full of life and vitality. He wanted... no needed to see those eyes flash once more with fire and defiance ; dance with laughter and mischief or glow with desire and passion. That had been what had first attracted him to her, it hadn't been her sass although that had been a factor but it had been the expressiveness of her eyes that had drawn him to her. The way that when you looked at her you could tell exactly what she was feeling by looking into her eyes. He had looked into those eyes, drowned in their depths and had seen the specialness of her soul looking back.

Nathan was pulled from his thoughts when he heard the door to Kristin's room open. He looked back and saw Smith step inside with a nurse behind her.

"Are you finished?" he questioned quietly.

"Yes." Wendy said and held up a small vial. "I tested it on the blood samples I took earlier and it successfully halted the poison's progression." she explained.

"Then what are you waiting for?! Give it to her!"

"It's not that simple Captain. Even in his notes Zeller stated that this had never been tested on a living human. It was only tested on samples of the poison in blood. I don't know what effect it will have on living tissue. Zeller wasn't even sure! It could kill her."

Bridger looked away from the doctor and his eyes rested on Kristin's still face. "She's dying anyway. Isn't she?" he finished and looked up at the doctor.


"Then I don't see what choice we have. You say that the antidote may kill her but we both know that the poison certainly will!" Bridger sighed. "Wendy, I am sure that if Kristin were able to make this decision for herself she would tell you to administer the antidote."

"Alright." Smith nodded and approached Kristin's bed. Nathan stepped back to allow the nurse to take his place. Wendy picked up a hypo from an instrument tray and loaded the vial

"I'll start with 10cc's." she said softly. "Here goes." she muttered and pressed the hypo to the skin at Kristin's neck. There was a soft hiss as the antidote was injected into her body.

"Now we wait." she said quietly.

They didn't have to wait long, seconds after the drug hit her system Kristin's back arched violently and an eerie sound that was half gasp half wheeze echoed from her chest. An alarm screamed as her vital signs plummeted.

Nathan moved to rush to her side but a hand clamped down on his shoulder and Nathan turned to see Ford standing at his side. Ford's grip tightened, holding him back and so Nathan merely stood and watched in horror as Smith tried valiantly to save Kristin's life.

A few minutes later Wendy looked up and met Bridger's anxious face. "I'm sorry Nathan," she said softly. "There's nothing more I can do."

Bridger's grief rushed out of him and slammed into her mental barriers. She increased her mental shielding and looked up at him. His face had become a stoic mask and he gave her a short nod.

"I'd like a few minutes alone with her."

"Of course." Smith replied and motioned for the others to vacate the room. Ford squeezed the captain's shoulder in a gesture of sympathy before he slipped from the room.

Nathan stepped up to the bed and looked down at Kristin. As he looked at her still face his stoic mask crumbled and the grief welled up inside him. Reaching out her grasped her hand, his fingers wrapping around her wrist searching for the faint flutter that would tell him the monitors lied. It didn't come.

"Kristin." he whispered as tears coursed down his cheeks. With his free hand he tenderly brushed back her hair then leaned forward and pressed his lips to forehead. "I love you Kristin." he whispered against her fragrant skin. "I will always love you." His lips trailed a path from her forehead to her cheek to rest finally on her still lips. Nathan kissed her one last time and horror filled his mind.

"I'm crazy!" his mind screamed "I'm losing my mind!"

Kristin's lips had parted beneath his. He had tasted the warm perfume of her breath and felt her skin pulse with life and vitality. Nathan lifted his lips from hers and saw her eyelids flutter.

"Smith!" he bellowed and the doctor came running back into the room.

"Captain what is it?"

"Kristin's alive."

Smith approached the bed, ready to tell Bridger that is was all in his imagination but she stopped short. The life signs monitor once more pulsed with life and Kristin shifted her head on the pillow as a sigh escaped her lips.

Filled with incredulity Wendy examined the woman who moments earlier for all intents and purposes had been dead. But now! There was no mistaking the signs of life before her and she was at a loss to explain it. After a moment she looked up at Bridger. "I can't explain how or why but she's alive and getting stronger. The antidote appears to be working."

Nathan breathed a grateful sigh. "Thank you Wendy, I owe you for this one."

"You don't owe me anything. I'm a doctor, saving lives is my job."

"Nevertheless, because of this I will be forever in your debt."

A small sigh from Kristin had Nathan looking away from the doctor and down at her. He watched as Kristin's eyelids fluttered open and those exquisite eyes looked up at him.

"Nathan." she whispered weakly, a ghost of a smile on her lips.

Nathan choked back his tears and for the first time since she had taken ill, smiled. Pulling her hand close he pressed a kiss to the inside of her wrist. "Welcome back." he whispered, unable to keep the emotion from his voice.

"Sh," Kristin soothed and brushed a hand over his tear wet cheek. "Big boys don't cry, remember."

Bridger gave her a nod and brushed his lips over her fingers.

"Is it really over?" she asked softly, looking up at him.

"Yes." Nathan replied and leaned over her, resting a hand on her forehead. "Zeller's dead. He won't hurt anyone ever again and Lucas destroyed all of his research. Never again will anyone do what he did."

"Good." she nodded and gave him a tired smile then noticed that his left arm was in a sling. Concern etched her delicate features. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Smith said it was a clean wound, the bullet went right through. She just wants me to wear this to rest the shoulder muscle. Don't worry everything's alright now. You just concentrate on getting better." He whispered softly and tenderly kissed her forehead.

"Okay." she replied quietly.

"Now that I know you are doing better I'm going to go and let you sleep."

"Get some sleep yourself, Nathan." she said softly and brushed a hand through his hair.

"Yes mother." he teased gently and kissed her softly. "Sleep now." he whispered and watched until her eyelids had fluttered closed before he leaned back. "I love you." he whispered before slipping quietly from the room.

Nathan stepped down into his quarters and shut the door behind him. He gave a tired sigh as he ran a hand through his hair. ~ Lord I'm tired ~ Nathan thought as he made his way to the head. Several minutes later he stepped out, tying the sash of his robe as he crossed to his bed. He was nearly there when the comm unit chirped for attention. Bridger sighed as he crossed to the desk.

"Yes." he responded.

"Sorry to disturb you sir," O'Neil stated "But I have the Secretary General on the line."

"Put him through." Nathan said as he sank into the desk chair.

"Aye sir."

Seconds later Bill Noyce's image appeared on the screen. "Hello Nathan."

"What do you want Bill?"

"I'm just checking in with you since you haven't reported back."

"Well I'm sorry Bill but I've been just a little busy." Nathan replied, sarcasm slipping into his voice.

"I guess I deserved that." Noyce said quietly.

"Yes you did. If you had told me from the start that Zeller was loose we could have avoided all this. Cynthia Westphalen is dead and Kristin almost died because we weren't informed that Zeller had broken out of prison. All this could have been avoided if I hadn't been kept out of the loop." Nathan stated.

"I know, it was wrong of me not to tell you. How is Kristin doing?"


"I'm glad." Noyce nodded. "I'm sorry things turned out the way they did Nathan." he apologized.

"So am I Bill."

"Well, I guess I'll go now and let you get some sleep. Goodnight Nathan."

"Night Bill." Nathan replied and sighed as the channel closed. He sat for a moment, deep in thought then got up and crossed to the bunk. Pulling off his robe, Nathan winced as a twinge of pain shot through his shoulder and his arm, now free of the sling. Smith had told him that he was supposed to wear it all the time for the next couple of days but he wasn't going to wear the damned thing to bed, doctor's orders or no.

Turning off the lights he slipped beneath the covers and released a tired sighed. Rolling over onto his good side Nathan closed his eyes and slipped quickly into sleep.

Two weeks later things were pretty much back to normal on the UEO's flagship seaQuest. There was one change, however. Kristin Westphalen was now back on board as part of the crew. After a talk with Secretary General Noyce, Doctor Wendy Smith had decided to step down as CMO to head up a newly formed department of the Medical bay. She had been made head of the Psychology Department and worked in tandem with the new CMO. Kristin had eagerly accepted reassignment and had settled easily into the old comfortable niche of CMO.

Nathan had to admit that Kristin and Wendy made a formidable team. He had expected fireworks between the two women for they were completely opposite in personality and temperament, but the two women , although not friends had forged a good working relationship.

"A penny for them." Kristin's richly accented voice sounded close beside him. Nathan smiled and rolled to face the woman next to him.

"I was just thinking." he said softly and brushed back her hair.

" bout what?" Kristin asked and pressed a kiss to the healed scar on his shoulder.

"Nothing much. I'm just amazed that you and Smith haven't killed each other yet." he added with a grin. He pulled her close his hand moving to caress her naked back.

"Well, we have an agreement." Kristin murmured, brushing a hand through his hair.

"Hmmm," Nathan nodded. "I was also was thinking about everything that happened."

"Do you regret the way everything turned out." Kristin asked softly.

"If you mean, do I regret killing Zeller. I regret that it was necessary to kill him in order to stop him, but I'm not sorry because now he won't hurt anyone ever again. He won't hurt you ever again." he added softly.

"My knight in shining armor."

"Hardly." he murmured brushing his lips across her forehead.

Kristin moved further into his embrace, tucking her forehead in the warm crook of his neck and shoulder. After a long moment she spoke again. "Nathan?"


She lifted her head to look down into his eyes. "Thank you." she said softly.

"For what?" he questioned tenderly brushing back her hair.

"For everything you've done, but especially for being here for me. I wouldn't have been able to get through any of this without you."

"I love you Kristin, what else would I do but be there for you?"

"I love you too. Although I never knew how much until I thought that Zeller had killed you." she said softly.

"Then I guess we must be grateful to him for that. Through all the horror of the last few weeks we found each other."

"Yes, for that I will be forever grateful." she whispered softly and leaned down and pressed her lips to his in a gentle kiss. Nathan deepened the kiss, rolling until the woman was beneath him. Soon words were forgotten and the world outside was shut out for a few brief hours.

It was quite sometime later, they lay in each other's arms, bodies entwined in the warm afterglow of love, breaths mingling as they shared slow languid kisses. Their soft murmurings became drowsy and they fell asleep in the warm circle of each other's arms.

The future would hold many things for these two; sorrow and joy, even danger but both knew that whatever the future held, as long as they were together they could face anything.

FIN :-)

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