Part Seventeen

"Hurry up Mark! The others will be here soon." Amy impatiently watched as her brother finished tying up Lee.

She looked down at the unconscious man lying at her feet, smiling to herself, so far everything had worked out perfectly. With her brothers help she had no doubt they would be able to subdue two teachers and a tour guide.

Sydney and Nigel followed Zach back to the location where he had found Andy’s camera. Four distinctive pairs of footprints could be seen heading further up the path.

"It looks like our shadow has decided to show its self." Nigel nervously looked around before settling his gaze on Zach "Where do you think the others have been taken?"

"There is an old mine shaft up ahead." Zach noticed the quick look between Sydney and Nigel. "It was sealed off decades ago, but that didn’t stop people from going in, to search for that damn gold! It the only place around here where they could have been taken."

"Is there anyway to approach the mine without being spotted?" Sydney asked as she reached into her bag.

"No. Once we round the bend up a head we’ll be seen." Zach watched as Sydney placed an impressive looking knife into a sheath in her boot. "Do you have any other goodies in that bag of yours?" Zach asked as he pulled out his own Bowie knife. He noticed that Nigel remained unarmed, but didn’t say anything since they seemed to be comfortable with it.

Nigel answered for Sydney with a knowing grin on his face. "You’d be surprised by what you can find in there."

Go to Part Eighteen.

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