Part Thirteen

When they stopped for lunch Nigel told Amy he needed to discuss some things with Sydney. Nigel noticed Amy had joined Lee and Andy, all three seemed to be having a great time. He saw Andy showing Amy how to use his camera, and she was now taking pictures of them, completely ignoring Andy’s instructions. For three people who said they didn’t know each other before this journey, you would never know it by looking at them. Nigel had to remind himself that one, two, or all three could be responsible for the attack on Professor Anderson and the theft of the original map.

Sydney and Nigel sat close to the others so as not to make themselves look conspicuous.

Sydney found it hard not to stare at Nigel. He had taken his shirt off and just had on a white tee-shirt that had molded to his slim frame. His arms and face were showing the beginnings of a tan, which only increased his appeal to her.

Sydney had pulled out a small notebook and started jotting down notes. They were supposed to be here for research after all, in the eyes of their fellow travelers. Sydney had spotted some of the map markers during their ride and was writing down her observations. Handing the notes to Nigel he played along as if conferring with her observations. He had spotted the same things. According to the map, and their rate of travel they should be close to the mines location the following afternoon.

Nigel’s apprehension grew at that thought. If something was going to happen it would be soon. He still had the feeling they were being shadowed and Sydney’s notes confirmed the same. He looked at her unable to hide his concern from her trained eye. She just smiled and told him to keep reading.

As he read on, he saw Sydney’s private little note to him. Nigel felt the color start to rise in his cheeks. The insecurity that had reared up in him as he watched Sydney and Zach’s closeness earlier melted away in an instant, due to just a few simple sentences. He wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and show her just how much her words meant to him. Putting on his best poker face, he jotted down his response and was thrilled to see her reaction. No one else would know the emotion that had passed through her eyes, but he did.

Andy looked at Amy, he had created a monster. She had taken pictures of everyone in their little group, insisting that everyone would want copies. Well at least she had stopped complaining about being out in the wilderness with no creature comforts, that in itself was a small miracle and if it just cost him a couple of rolls of film, it was price he was willing to pay.

Amy looked over at Sydney and Nigel and realized that since this trip had begun this was the first time she had seen them alone together. Nigel had told her they were doing research on the area and now both seemed to be engrossed in their research notes. Undaunted she made her way over to them.

"I don’t mean to interrupt, but Andy and I are taking pictures of the trip and everyone. I realized there were no pictures of the two of you together. When the trip is over if you want he’ll make a set for you. I know I want one. "

Sydney and Nigel both looked at each other as Sydney discreetly closed the note book.

"Sure." Sydney replied as she scooted closer to Nigel.

After taking the shots she confidently told them all that these would be the best pictures they had ever seen. Before giving Andy back his camera she gave him a not so gentle smack on the head when he made a rude wisecrack in reply.

After resuming the journey, Nigel felt relief as Amy’s attentions now appeared to be focused on Andy and Lee. He thought Claudia was bad when it came to talking your ear off. She didn’t even come close to Amy. Nigel would never admit it, but he missed Claudia terribly. He was happy that she had got her dream job in New York. Claudia called every once in a while, just to check up on his and Syd’s adventures, and as she put it their romance, but it was just not the same as her being there. He looked over at Sydney, it was nice to have her riding next to him for a change. As she glanced back at him, he could see she was taking as much comfort from it as he was.

As the previous day this one also ended without incident. That evening they were all treated to a spectacular sunset. Amy drove Andy nuts with her instructions on how to shoot it, much to the amusement of everyone else.

After turning in for the night Sydney found sleep allusive. Glancing over at Nigel, she could see he was in a deep sleep. Sydney looked up at the stars, they were so clear here away from the city lights. Finally sleep overtook her, but it was not a peaceful sleep. Sydney awoke, but instead of being in the Arizona wilderness she found herself in a church. Getting up, she surveyed her surroundings and was suddenly drawn to the open casket at the end of the aisle. Almost against her will she found herself being drawn towards it. Fear, she was unaccustomed to filled her. Sydney did not want to see who lay within it, but she was unable to stop her forward momentum. As she reached the coffin she froze, unable to accept what her eyes were seeing, for lying on the bed of satin was Nigel.


I’m leaving the private little note up to your imaginations. My husband said it should be along the lines of Joey’s favorite quote from Friends "HOW YOU DOIN!!!" Anybody who watches Friends knows exactly what he means by that.

Go to Part Fourteen.

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